Sabrina encountered an orange droid named "Chopper" during the 2023 Maker Faire, sparking her quest to uncover its creator. Through the power of the internet and the close-knit droid-building community, she was led to John Thompson.
For the past eight years, John Thompson (he/him) has devoted himself to crafting life-size animated remote-controlled droids, including iconic figures such as Chopper, BB-8, and R2-D2. This complex craft involves metalwork, 3D printing, mechanics, electronics, and coding.
An active member of, an international droid-building club, John contributes to a supportive network where makers exchange parts, offer assistance, and share programming insights. Renowned for his skillful use of paint techniques, John specializes in giving his droids a weathered appearance, as if they've traversed the outer reaches of the galaxy.
Passionate about spreading joy, John volunteers his time to bring his creations to Children’s Hospitals, Maker Faires, Comic-Cons, and various charitable events. In his professional life, he serves as a mechanical engineer.